Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Old friends are the best

2003, Freshman Year at Duke. Kind of a crotch shot, haha, but this is my first memory of the 5 of us hanging out, so I had to put in here. Carolyn must have been taking the picture. 

2004, Beach Week at Myrtle after Sophomore Year
2006 in Wilmington Celebrating our graduation
2007, Bridesmaids' Luncheon for Carrie.  I think I was taking the picture this time.  Probably for the better - I was really fat that year!
2011 in Raleigh, at rehearsal for Mary's Wedding!

I can't believe we've been friends for NINE years!  Craziness.  Here's hoping for many more to come.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Wherever you go, there you are

I hate to get all churchy on y'all again, but of my roomies shared this prayer with me during retreat in Yosemite, and I thought it was just about perfect for where I am right now. I think somewhere deep down, part of me expected EUIP to be some sort of "lightening bolt"/ Road to Damascus experience in which God would reveal exactly what I was supposed to do with the rest of my life.

Yeah, no such luck.

The year is already drawing to a close, and it seems like my anxiety and uncertainty about the future have only increased. I'm finally starting to come to terms with the fact that the lightening bolt will probably never come, and I'll never know for certain where I'm going or what God has in store for me next. I could spend a million years in "discernment" (whatever the hell that actually even means), and still some level of anxiety and doubt about whether I'm on the "right" track will always be there. Really, all I will ever be able to do is just keep trying. From my last offline conversations with y'all, it seems like a couple of you might be feeling similarly in some ways, so I figured I'd pass this along:

"My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself. And the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe, dear Father, that the desire to please You does in fact please You, and I hope that I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And so I believe that if I do this, You will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore, I will trust You always; though I may seem to be lost in the shadow of death, I will not fear, for You are with me and You will never leave me to face my peril alone."
-Thomas Merton

(okay, so technically the picture's  from our last retreat at Mount Calvary in Santa Barbara, not Yosemite, but it's close enough, right?)

Friday, July 20, 2007

What am I getting myself into now?

I'm starting to reevaluate this whole law school thing. The more I think about it, the more it seems like I'm putting myself through all of this LSAT shizzle because law school just seems like the easiest answer to the oh-so-persistent question of what the hell I'm doing with my life. Thinking about law school gives my future a little bit of structure. I like structure. I like the fact that a *plan* for my next four years could be materializing. I like having a plan. What I don't like is the nagging suspicion that I am formulating this plan solely for the sake of having one.

Law school does seem to make sense in some ways. My absolute favorite part of my job this year is working directly with the clients- listening to their goals and their problems, working collaboratively with them to find solutions, giving them information and advice on how put those solutions into action- basically just being a counselor. That's one thing that has really surprised me about this year. I never thought that I would enjoy having to be a "people person", but I do, and I'm good at it.

At the same time, though, I am still me, and the introverted nerd in me also needs some time to shut the clients out of my office and do my own thing. I do my best thinking by myself, and I need some alone time every day research and write and prepare things for the clients without feeling like they're breathing down my neck. However, if I have too much of this alone time, I become extremely bored and cranky, and I lose sight of my motivation for doing the work in the first place, the clients. I think that as a lawyer, I might be able to find a good balance between working for and with people every day but also having some time to be a bookish nerd and analyze things on my own when I need to. And hopefully my enginerd's brain will be a little more adept at applying logic to solve legal problems than it is at applying my (non-existent) knowledge of the working world to help my clients impress people and get hired.

As an added bonus, the law school track definitely appeases the parents, who have been envisioning me as a lawyer since abooout 4 years before I was born. As hard as my father has been trying to act like a neutral bystander in my career development lately, I can tell that he is beside himself with the prospect of me finally giving in and going to law school. And as awful as it sounds to say, I think that's a big part of why I'm so stuck on questioning my own motives right now. Am I just doing this because I know it's what my parents want? That's certainly Altagracia's take on it, but what the hell does Alta know about me? Then again, what the hell do I know about me? Sigh...

Parental influence is such a tricky mother fucker. You let it do its thing for a while, and then you wise up a bit and spend the rest of your life trying beat it back out of yourself. And as soon as you think you've finally killed the bastard, smothered it in your own independence and self-awareness, it rears its ugly head again. You catch yourself saying something that makes you sound just like your mother, or making that obnoxious face that your father always made, or choosing the career that they'd always envisioned for you... Damn it, damn it, damn it!

Anyway. Anyway. I don't know what the hell I'm doing with my life. What else is new? I do realize that this has been the most self-absorbed entry ever, and I apologize for that. I just had to get that off my chest. Then again, I guess my entries are usually pretty self-absorbed because I'm pretty self-absorbed, but whatever. My point is that if you read through all of that shit, I know you must really love me. Or you just have a lot of time on your hands. hehe. Happy Friday!

Quote of the day:
"If you hold on tight
To what you think is your thing
You may find you're missing all the rest"- Dave Matthew Band

Monday, July 16, 2007

Love this

A Four-fold Franciscan Blessing

May God bless you with a restless discomfort about easy answers, half-truths and superficial relationships, so that you may seek truth boldly and love deep within your heart. Amen

May God bless you with holy anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so that you may tirelessly work for justice, freedom, and peace among all people. Amen

May God bless you with the gift of tears to shed with those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, or the loss of all that they cherish, so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and transform their pain into joy. Amen

May God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you really can make a difference in this world, so that you are able, with God's grace, to do what others claim cannot be done. Amen

And the blessing of God the Supreme Majesty and our Creator, Jesus Christ the Incarnate Word who is our brother and Savior, and the Holy Spirit our Advocate and Guide, be with you and remain with you, this day and forevermore. Amen

Given by +Gene Robinson at All Saints Pasadena 7/15/07

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Los Angelenos crack me up

My monthly retention meeting for working clients last night was canceled. After all of the planning and mailings and phone calls, Daniel decided to pull the plug on the whole thing. Why? Because it was raining. Or more precisely, drizzling. The meeting wasn't outdoors. The streets weren't flooding. It probably wasn't even raining hard enough to require the use of windshield wipers, but apparently it was bad enough to scare most Angelenos indoors for the rest of the night. Not that I'm complaining. I definitely appreciated the excuse to not stay at work till 8:30, but seriously, what the hell? Oh LA...

North Carolina last week was fabulous. Duke was... Duke. It really felt like I had never left. I did a horrible job of letting people know that I was coming, but apparently word travels fast. After randomly running into 2 people on campus Wednesday morning, I had about 15 angry phone calls and texts that night asking me where the hell I was and why I didn't tell anyone I was visiting. Whoops. I ended up getting to see a whole lot of people, though, and the entire trip was like a flashback to senior year fabulousness. Carrie and I even got to go to Big Beers on Thursday night, where I got plastered and ended up wanting to die on the drive to Greensboro the next morning, but that's a different story entirely.

Even the retreat was a lot of fun. The actual programming was complete bullshit, but after last year's interns' descriptions of the freaks in the other programs, I was pleasantly surprised by how much fun it was to hang out with the other interns. It was really refreshing to be around so many new people and to hear about their stories and experiences doing pretty much the same stuff we're doing. There were definitely some... interesting... people in the mix, but I really enjoyed every single person that I met.

That being said, seeing all of the other houses solidified the fact I am very happy to be in LA with the roommates that I have. There were amazing people in all of the houses, but it really seemed like ours had the best dynamic as a whole. We were the only house that hasn't had anyone leave, doesn't have a couple dating within the house (bad, bad, bad idea), isn't in fucking Omaha, and genuinely enjoys being in each other's presence (most of the time, anyway). Basically, EUIP is the shit. But we already knew that.

Work this week has been pretty awful. It's a slow week in terms of clients, but I've had piles and piles of paperwork and filing that have kept me in the office for at least 11 hours every single day. ugggggh. I also had to take an hour-long enneagram test for some sort of team building deal that we're doing at a staff meeting next week. I came out as a 6, or a "loyalist". I normally think these personality tests are far too general and subjective to carry any sort of significance in real life, but I read through the description of a 6, and it's me to a fucking tee. Even explains my habit of deciding that people hate me. Creepy...

Alright, that's all I got for now. The roommates are heading out dumpster diving (yes, my roommates like to eat out of trashcans. don't ask; I don't get it, either), and I'm off to In N' Out. Paz y amor.

Quote of the Day:
"Rule 1: When all else fails, follow instructions. Rule 2: Don't be an asshole." -Anne Lamott

Monday, April 23, 2007


One of Brian’s clients was murdered last night.  Her name was Alissa.  She'd been living on the street for 5 years.   Last week, she finally decided to accept some help to leave Hollywood and get clean. When she shared her plans with her 28-year-old boyfriend, he stabbed her 6 times and threw her in a dumpster. She was 15.

Sometimes I don’t understand the world.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

If you're ever in the 213, holla at a playa

I've decided that I hate the phrase "take care". I don't know why, but it always strikes me as really cold when someone says it to me. Not that I'm in a position to accuse anyone of being cold as I'm just about the most unaffectionate person in the world, but the expression just bothers me. It just seems kind of fake-- like the sort of thing you say to someone when you want to be polite, but you don't actually give two shits whether they take care of themselves or not because you probably wouldn't notice if they dropped off the face of the earth entirely.  Does that make sense? Yeah, probably not.

Work is slow today. I do have all sorts of boring paperwork stuff that I could be doing right now, but I don't feel like it. I have to interview someone for Daniel's position this afternoon. It strikes me as kind of odd that I'm interviewing someone who's applying to be my boss. Also that they want a clueless 23-year-old intern to conduct an interview. I've never even done a real interview as an interviewee before. But I don't think my opinion will actually carry any weight in the hiring decision, so I figure I'll just go in and have a conversation with the dude for like 15 minutes and that'll be that. Should be interesting.

One of my new clients told me in his assessment this morning that he and his family were evicted from his last apartment because it was infested with demons. Also that the psychiatrist that prescribed him meds just doesn't understand his "demonic problems" because she's not religious. So of course he doesn't take the meds because he doesn't need them. okaaay... He should be an interesting one, too.

Alrighty, off to explain to my client why he got fired from his temp position with us and why he might want to refrain from calling his boss a "stupid, fatass racist" for changing his hours in the future. Take care!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Life is good

I lead a charmed existence. Really and truly. I've wasted a lot of time on this stupid blog whining about stress, confusion, Altagracia Perez, and the 405 freeway, but I have to admit that when it comes down to it, life as an EUI is pretty fucking fantastic. I have a great job, I'm surrounded by amazing people, I'm learning lots, and for someone who worries so much, I really have very little to worry about. I don't even have to pay bills. What the hell am I so stressed about all the time? ...just thought I'd write that down in this little moment of clarity so I'll be reminded next time I freak out about nothing...

This weekend was amazing. Thursday morning I was too tired to go to work, so I called in sick and spent the day at the beach. Normally I'd be feeling ridiculously guilty about this, but the fact that 3 of my roommates also took "mental health days" last week makes feel slightly better about being a worthless slacker. Thursday evening we had our "Monday night" community meal, postponed a couple days because Erin had been out of town. We ended up spending over three hours sitting around the table, just eating, talking, and enjoying life.

I think community meals might be my favorite part of EUIP. Whenever Alta presses us for details about our community's shared spiritual development, we always tell her with a bit of a snicker that Monday nights are our "holiest" times together. But I really think it's true.

Granted, we usually polish off at least 3 bottles of wine during dinner, and the conversation typically revolves around poop, sex, Heroes, or some combination of the 3, but there's just something about the power of a shared meal that makes Mondays special. No matter how many terrible things we see during our workweeks or how many times our jobs make us want to rip our hair out over all the things in the world we just can't fix, on Monday nights, there's hope.   Maybe love and support and understanding really can overpower all the shittiness that's out there.  Or maybe we're just a bunch of alchies trying to drink away our problems..

Either way, it's really hard to describe what it is that makes Monday nights what they are.  If I wasn't so sure I'd just sound really cheesy and annoying, I might try a little bit harder.  But whatever the reason, it seems like Monday nights are when we best embody the "intentional community" the program envisions.

Friday I got off work at noon and met everyone in Santa Monica for happy hour. Slept till noon on Saturday, then went on a 4 hour hike in Topanga Canyon with Sara, Anna, and Anna's friends from Georgia. Topanga Canyon baffles my mind. It's so bare and empty that, just looking at the scenery, you would think you were miles and miles away from any form of civilization. But no. You're less than 5 miles west of LA. I fucking love that. Sunday was devoted to the LSAT (uggh), and Monday Brian, Erin, Sara and I rode our bikes from Santa Monica to Malibu. It was good times. And that was the weekend.

Work has been pretty good, too. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I have a good number of active clients right now-- not so many that I'm overwhelmed with work but enough that I'm not sitting in my office all day with nothing to do but drive myself crazy. Also, my new boss is freakin amazing. His name is Sam, and he lets me do whatever I want. It's such a relief to work for someone who allows me do my job without interrogating me about my every move. He even let me take over his office all day the other day while my computer was freaking out AND he brought me a Diet Dr. Pepper one morning when I was super busy and tired. I'm a fan.

Butterfly Ball, Chysalis' huge annual fundraising event, is this Saturday. I get to volunteer. hehe. The guest list is unreal. Jennifer Hudson and Alicia Keyes are confirmed to make performances, and Salma Hayek, Tom Cruise, Mariah Carey, Darren Star, Nick Cage, Chris Gardener, Anthony Hopkins, Chris Kattan, Ludacris and Edward Norton are also scheduled to appear. Yep, and I'm gonna be there. I might be handing out towels in the bathroom or something, but I'll be there.

Also just confirmed that I get to go to Chapel Hill for Sarah Rock's wedding in 3 weeks. Also just realized that the LSAT will be over and done in less than 2 weeks. Life is good :).

Quote of the day:

"Me want cookie" - The Cookie Monster

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Some days you gotta dance

Well, the parents have come and gone, I am still alive, and everyone is still on speaking terms. I'd say this weekend was a resounding success. They did, of course, throw a tantrum about the nose. Apparently in addition to being doomed to unemployment for the rest of my life, I'm also probably now infected with HIV, hepatitis, and ebola. Basically, because I got my nose pierced, I am going to die. Probably sometime this week. I love the logic of parents. But once the tantrum had ended, all was well again, and it wasn't mentioned for the rest of the weekend. Whew...

Dinner with the roomies went well. Both the parents and the roommates put on a good show and avoided all controversy. We ate at a fabulous Italian restaurant in Santa Monica, and Ice-T from SVU was at the table right next to us! That brings my LA celeb sightings up to two. Anyway, I feel guilty now for villianizing my parents to my roommates so often. My parents really are good people, even if we're having some ideological clashes at the moment. The problem is that with most of the people in my life right now belonging to one of two opposite political extremes, it feels almost impossible to do or say anything without being disloyal to someone, much less figure out where I belong myself. At the same time, I know that's kind of bullshit. Disagreement is not the same thing as disloyalty, but when peoples' lives and vocations are so tied up in what they believe, it often feels that way. And it really doesn't help that I'm so incredibly confused about what I believe myself.

Anyway, Convention was incredibly boring and pointless. No one other than Holy Faith people and EUIP board members so much as glanced at us, much less stopped at our table or asked about our program. We spent the entire convention stealing chocolates from other booths and taking naps under our display table. I can definitely see how this was a more productive use of my time than going to work and helping my clients get jobs... Riiight. At least the hotel was nice (it had CABLE. oh, the luxury).

We did meet this guy (the Bishop).  Not gonna lie, he's a pretty weird dude.  He did say we looked like an "outstanding group of capable young people," though.  Whatever THAT means. lol.

Alrighty, I should go find something productive to do. Paz y amor :).

New Years Resolutions:
1. Stop being a gossipy bitch
2. Stop letting a certain roommate who shall remain nameless (see above) get under my skin
3. Get back into the habit of doing my reading.
4. Get over my dislike of Altagracia as it really has absolutely nothing to do with her and everything to do with my own awkwardness.
5. Take more time to reflect and all that good stuff.
6. More water, less beer.
7. Figure out what to do with my life.

What the parents didn't see on their tour of the rectory

Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy (day after) Thanksgiving!

While my roommates are busy taking a stand against consumerism on "National Buy Nothing Day", I'm using this lovely Friday afternoon to start formulating my Christmas list. Glad all this living simply stuff has had such a great effect on me...

Here's what I have so far:

1. Perfume- Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue
2. Sunglasses- Chanel
3. Gift Certificates- JCrew, Anthropologie, Banana Republic, BevMo
4. Wallet/ Keychain Combo- Coach or Dooney & Burke
5. Digital Camera- anything new and durable
6. Accessories for my brand new road bike
7. A gym membership

Yep, living simply really has helped me to purge every last vestige of materialism from my psyche. ha.
Anyway, Thanksgiving was amazing. Everyone made 3 dishes, so we ended up with a ridiculous amount of food. Just to give you an idea, there were 4 potato dishes, 3 kinds of bread, 5 pies, a sixteen pound turkey, 2 kinds of cranberry sauce, and most importantly, 9 bottles of wine. Aaamazing. And for the cheesy summer-camp moment of the day, here's what I was (and continue to be) thankful for:

1. 5 amazing and different roommates whom I love and who all enjoy eating (and drinking) almost as much as I do.
2. All of my clients who have rung the bell and all the ones who are working really hard to get there, too.
3. Wine.
4. My nosering :).
5. Parents who I know will always support me (deep down at least) no matter how much I confuse and scare them.
6. A brother to laugh at my parents with.
7. Being in LA. Doing things I never would have dreamed I'd be doing a year ago. Living in an environment entirely unlike any I've ever been in before. Learning lots. Loving all of it.
8. Having a whole lot of people to miss.

Ok, cheesy moment over. Off to the beach. Happy Friday!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Ya Basta!

I'm happy to say that I have gotten over myself since Thursday. I just read over my last entry and started cracking up. The one good thing about these momentary freak-outs of mine is that they're quite amusing to read about after the fact. Like good lord, so this place is not River Oaks and people here think a little differently. So what? It's not like I expected this to be an extraordinarily comfortable place for me, and clearly I needed to be made uncomfortable. Anyway, the point is that even with the challenges, I think it is a good thing that I am here, and overall, I really am ridiculously happy to be here.

So anyway, other than my meltdown on Thursday morning, this week was relatively uneventful. My boss, Daniel, got passed up for a promotion over the weekend and is threatening to quit. He called the whole staff into a conference room on Wendesday to tell us how pissed off he is and whine about how much more he deserved it than the lady who got it. . . . and we're supposed to be a modeling professionalism to the clients? . . . The funny thing is, she has more experience and an MBA from Berkeley, whereas Daniel's still working on his BS in kinesiology from CSUN. So yeah, I'm not sure I follow his reasoning, but I do know that I wouldn't be terribly broken up if he left. He kind of treats me like a mentally challenged 5-year-old, and it kind of bothers me.

Thursday night we went to a birthday party for one of the Good Shepherds in North Hollywood. My roommates all whined about how incredibly far away it was, but really it was only 3/4 of the way to my work. uggh. I swear I spend almost half as much time on the 405 as I do actually at work. It's a problem. The party was pretty fun, though.

Yesterday I had my monthly one-on-one meeting with Alta. It was pretty awkward. I didn't really have anything to say to her, and it ended up only lasting like 20 minutes of the hour it was supposed to. hmm... I suppose I could have brought up some of the stuff I was freaking out about Thursday, but she's part of the source of it (in a good way, but still). I think she just would've thought that I was a dumbass. Or maybe I'm just a chicken shit.

Anyway, yay for Saturday! I love Saturdays. Today was an especially good one. I woke up at the crack of dawn to row, but now that I have to get up at 6:30 every morning, this isn't nearly as hard as it was in college. Plus, the stroke seat of our 4+ has finally returned from a month-long vacation, so I've moved back to 2-seat. Yaaay for not having to stroke!

After crew, Erin and I went to breakfast at the Mexican restaurant across the street, which was the 4th time in 5 days that we've been there. I think this place might actually be better than Cosmic. It's a complete dive with really good, really cheap food, and the owner is pretty much the nicest guy ever. I love Inglewood.

The rest of the day has been pretty leisurely. We went to the Santa Monica Farmers' Market as usual (no celebs this time, unfortunately, but I did get some really good tomatoes), and then I took a 3 hour nap. Right now we're waiting around for Brian and his friend from college to come back from dinner, and then we're just going to hang out here and drink some sort of concoction that Brian's making consisting of beer, vodka, and pink lemonade mix. Supposedly it's really good...?  We'll see.

Well, that’s probably enough random thinking for the day. Life is hard here, and it’s good. As to be expected for this homebody, I ask myself pretty often, “what the f am I doing here???” I can’t necessarily answer that question now, besides by saying I trust the answers will be revealed in a way that’s always surprising, humbling, and more graciously miraculous than I can imagine. 

Mwah.  Y'all are the bessst. 

Quote of the Day:
“'But I don’t want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
'Oh, you can’t help that,' said the Cat. 'We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.'
'How do you know I’m mad?' said Alice.
'You must be,” said the Cat. 'or you wouldn’t have come here.'”

Thursday, October 19, 2006


I just spent my entire hour-long commute to work sobbing. If you know me well, you know how incredibly rare it is for me to cry (I usually go years without even tearing up), so obviously I'm upset about something. The strange thing is that I don't even think I can really articulate what it is, but I'll take a stab at it anyway.

I guess to sum it up, I'm just freaked out by how radically different this environment is from home, and I'm not adjusting as well as I thought I would. What set me off was hearing that Alta was talking crap about my SUV again last night, but really the SUV shit is only the tip of the iceberg. I even agree that gas conservation is important and that SUVs aren't necessarily the best car choice, but when it comes down to it, the car that I have is a product of where I came from, and I am just sick of hearing about how everything about my background and my family and especially what my father does for a living is wrong and evil and oppressive. I'm sick of being told, even implicitly, that people I love are bad people for how they live and what they believe and who they vote for. .

At this point, I don't know what to think about anything. I feel ignorant and stupid, and I know there is no one here to talk to who won't judge me for still having to struggle with this.

Wow, sorry to sound like such a whiner. I think part of the reason that I am so frustrated is that I know I should be smarter, I should know more, and I should be much more mature about how I handle all of this. I felt even worse when I got to work and saw my clients and realized that I really am freaking out about nothing. My life is so incredibly easy, and here I am sobbing because I feel sorry for myself. Basically I suck at life.

Ooo, but one of my clients just rang the bell cause he got a job. At least that's one good thing for today.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Texas is a big ass state

10 hours of driving later . . . we're still in Texas. How depressing. We're staying in El Paso tonight, and we have another 10 or 11 hours to go tomorrow to get to LA. Driving actually isn't that bad. West Texas is surprisingly beautiful, and the speed limit is 80, which means that I can do 90 and still be in the spirit of the law. sweeeeet.

I can't wait to get back to LA, but after spending the last few days at home, I'm nervous all over again. As excited as I am for my program to start, I'm kind of freaking out about meeting the roommates on Saturday. Even after loving everyone I met from Chyrsalis and EUIP last week, I'm a little worried about what my roommates are going to think when I drive up in my big gas-guzzling SUV with Texas plates and a sorority sticker on the back. hmm... on second thought, maybe I'll lose the Chi O sticker before I get there. Also, I think I'm going to keep the fact that my mother is insisting that we stay at the fucking Ritz tomorrow night to myself. uggh, about that living simply stuff...

Superficial concerns aside, though, I really am looking forward to meeting everyone. My job with Chrysalis seems perfect (as long as I don't totally suck at it), but I think that the relationships I build with my roommates this year will be key to how much I get out of this experience. As difficult as living in a house with 5 other people will be, I think I'll learn a lot from it, and hopefully it'll be a lot of fun. The JVs I met at Chrysalis last week are all loving their houses so far. I just hope we're as lucky.
Alright, long day of driving tomorrow. I'm off to bed.

Quote of the day:
"The road goes on forever, and the party never ends" -Robert Earl Keen

Saturday, August 12, 2006


So. I'm leaving for Los Angeles tomorrow. Craziness! This isn't the big move yet, but it's definitely a huge first step. I'll be there for a week to do job training, then I have a few more days in Houston to pack up my life, shove it all in the Jeep, and drive back out to Cali for good. I still don't think I've managed to get my mind around the concept that this is actually happening. I haven't even started packing yet... I don't even know what I'm supposed to wear! Yikes!

So I'm definitely excited, but I'm also completely freaking out. I can't wait to see the program house and learn what Chrysalis is all about, but at the same time, I can't say that part of me isn't wishing I was just packing up for another year at Duke. I do think it's cool that most of my best friends from Duke seem to be starting the next phase of their lives right now, too. I mean, Char just moved to Mexico on Wednesday, Carrie's going to be in charge of a classroom full of 5th graders next week, Mary's getting ready to start her first full semester of grad school at BC, and Carolyn's getting all settled in at flight school. My friends are so cool. But seriously, as scary as all this is, it's kind of comforting to know that we're all going through these huge transitions together, even if we'll be thousands of miles apart while we're doing it. lol, when did I get so cheesy?

Anyway, I do wish that the other interns were going to be around next week because I'm very anxious to meet them, but it's kind of nice that I'll get this preview of the house and everything before the program actually starts. This way I'll have a much better idea of the kind of space I'll have and how much stuff I'll be able to cram into it (and I'm sure my future roomies would really appreciate that attitude). Plus, apparently the intern who worked with Chrysalis last year has just accepted a full-time position with them and will be living in the house with me while she's apartment hunting, so at least I won't be in this strange new house in Inglewood all by myself.

Alright, I think that's all for now. I'd promise an entry when I get there, but it dawned on me when Carolyn asked me about it last night that I have no idea if this place has internet access. So that could definitely put a strain on the blogging... Ha, I'm sure you're sooo disappointed. lol. But feel free to call me next week as I'm sure I'll be wanting to hear some familiar voices. Peace.

Quote of the day:
Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love
Can the child within my heart rise above
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides
Can I handle the seasons of my life - Fleetwood Mac

Sunday, August 6, 2006

If one more person calls me brave...

... I'm gonna f-ing body slam them.  I am NOT brave, which is why I'm totally freaking out at this point.  And I'm also not all oblivious to the fact that by "brave," at least 90% of you mean "crazy."  So save your patronizing f-ing flattery for someone else, k?  Awesome, glad we've clarified that. Thanks.

(note: okay, I'm officially a horrible person, but do know that this rant is not directed towards anyone who actually reads this blog, nor, probably, anyone who even knows what a blog is )

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Grr fight

Okay, so I’m kind of freaking out. Last night I got into another huge fight with my dad, this one ending in him telling me that he hates me. Eek. Well, I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean what he said, but the words were strong enough to make me really ask myself if I’m making a huge mistake.

It all started when I mentioned that I need to be in LA from August 14-18 for job training. My program doesn’t start until the 26th, so I’ve been given the option either of hanging around LA until then or coming home for the week in between. His first reaction was to tell me that I’d obviously misread something because no program would be unreasonable enough to expect me to come 2 weeks early. He even demanded that I let my mother read the email to determine what it really said. Yah so after I reminded him that I'm a 22-year-old Duke graduate and perfectly capable of interpreting a page-long email, he launched into this ridiculous tirade about how my internship is the stupidest thing he’s ever heard of, how my job placement is going to be a gigantic waste of time, and how I am a complete imbecile for doing this. Basically, he was being a complete asshole, and as being around my dad when he’s in these moods tends to bring out the worst in me, I didn’t hesitate to tell him so. Things just escalated from there, and it got pretty ugly.

I feel terrible for letting it get out of hand like that, but my father and I are so much alike that these kinds of fights are not exactly an anomaly in our relationship. Frankly, he scares the fucking shit out of me, but I, like him, am just about the most stubborn and competitive person in the world. When it comes to things I truly care about, I don’t back down easily. Neither does he, which tends to cause problems when we don’t see eye to eye.

Getting back to the main issue, though, his comments about my internship really did sort of hit home. I mean, at root, I couldn’t disagree with him more. In my heart of hearts I really believe that EUIP is perfect for me right now, and I can’t think of a better way to spend next year. So for the past few months, I’ve been telling myself that my parents’ disapproval is of little consequence. It's my life, not theirs. But in reality, knowing that I’m disappointing them just isn’t fun at all.

And what if my dad is right? I can't pretend that I don't have my own reservations from time to time. What if it really is all bullshit and taking part in it makes me some sort of stupid idealist or freaky religious fanatic? Shit, I think I’m confusing myself again…

Quote of the Day:
“I'd rather run the other way than stay and see
The smoke and who's still standing when it clears and
Everyone knows I'm in
Over my head
Over my head” -The Fray

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Graduation and toes

I am officially a graduate of Duke University. I packed up my apartment today (well at this point yesterday really) and left for good. I still don’t think it's completely set in, which is good because I don’t know that I can handle the concept of everything being over just yet.

I’m writing from Carrie’s beach house in Wilmington. Before I go on, I should warn you that I’m currently on Vicodin for my newly broken pinky toe, so if I sound a little uh… loopy, yeah that’s probably why. Yes, I broke my pinky toe. Can you think of a more ridiculous injury to have to spend 3 hours in the emergency room for? Cause I fucking can’t.

I’m not even entirely sure how it happened. We were all walking on the beach, and Mary got a little too excited about the prospect of watching Dirty Dancing back at the house. She somehow jumped into me, and I lost my balance and slammed my foot into… something. I thought it was Carrie’s flip-flop, but she says she didn’t feel anything, so I don’t know… maybe a sea shell? Anyway the point is that it hurt like hell, and when I finally looked at my toe in the light, it was sticking out almost perpendicular to my foot. Sweet… Actually, it really was pretty cool looking. Unfortunately, it now has to be taped to the toe next to it for 6 weeks to try to take care of that little dilemma. AND I’m not allowed to run for at least 3 weeks. 3 weeks! I really am going to gain those 800 post-rowing pounds if I’m not careful.

Anyway that’s the deal with my foot and the Vicodin and the fact that I’m feeling a little…happy… at the moment. Now, backing up three days, this weekend was good. All three of our races were very solid. We didn’t end up accomplishing what we set out to accomplish, but we put everything on the line and had three peak performances. Robyn droned on all weekend about disappointment, but I have to admit that I’m really not all that disappointed. Sure, we came up a few seconds short of making NCAAs, but I really feel like we came together as a crew and put out three of the best races we possibly could have. We finished less than .5 seconds behind Virginia and proved that we had gained a lot of ground on a number of other crews over the past few weeks. Overall, I thought it was a great weekend to end my career on, even if I would've liked to have another couple weeks.

When we got back, I went to dinner with the parents and Char at Johnny Carino’s, then met the rowers for one last night out. We all met up at Sass’s and pre-gamed playing Never Have I Ever, which I must say was quite fascinating with the froshies and sophies. Afterwards, we all went to the Joyce. The bar was packed, but we had a lot of fun just hanging out, and I managed not to make it a repeat of last year’s last night out which was definitely a good thing.

Graduation was…fine. The ceremony was nice and quick. I have to admit that I didn’t really listen to the Trinity College dean’s speech. I was kind of busy playing with my tassel and trying to think of ways to prevent myself from having to graduate (if I run away now and don’t take my diploma, can I come back next year and earn it again?) I’ve been assured that it wasn’t all that interesting anyway.

The reception afterwards was like sensory overload. I had to pose for about a million pictures while trying to accept congratulations from and say goodbyes to about 40 of the most important people in my life at once. Even though I got incredibly frazzled, and I think I might have been kind of rude to some people that I love like crazy simply because I was so distracted by everything, when it was finally time to go, I couldn’t tear myself away. My parents and brother were ready to kill me, especially since they had a flight to Vienna to catch. In the end, I was literally running barefoot after them through the football stadium so that they wouldn’t make good on their threat to just leave without me. Hehe, I am such a psycho.

Later on Monday, I went to one last dinner with the seniors and coaches at Blue Corn. Dinner was fun. I found out 2 very important things there. First, apparently they ALL read this. How embarrassing. I threatened to take it down altogether, but I suppose I’ll keep it up for a while longer cause I'm kind of addicted. BUT you better freaking email me or call me or stay in touch somehow instead of just stalking me. Second, I am the most hopelessly awkward person in the world, save possibly Robyn Horner. Okay, maybe I already knew that, but I was definitely reminded of it frequently. In reality though, I’m not quite sure that I mind my general social awkwardness all that much. It’s definitely a source of constant amusement for me anyway.

I spent all day today (ok it’s almost 7am, I guess it would officially be yesterday) packing up my apartment. The last thing to be packed away was my wall of pictures. For some reason, I just couldn’t bring myself to take them down. Well I finally managed to do it and afterwards didn’t think much of it. No big deal, it was just a stupid collage. But a few minutes later as I was driving to the Duck Shop, the pictures somehow found their way back into my head. As they flashed through my mind, I thought all the fun and amazing times they captured and of all the people in them that I’d already had to say goodbye to and those that I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to.

Two years ago, a senior told me that graduating from Duke was a bit like losing a best friend. I have to disagree. I don’t feel like I’m losing a best friend. I feel like I’m losing about 100. When I pulled into the 9th street parking lot, I thought of the fact that just 24 hours before I had stood laughing with 5 of my favorite people in that very same spot. Then I remembered that 4 of those 5 were already gone, and that I didn’t even know when I would see them again. And for the first time in over a year, I cried.
To all my Dukies: I love you guys like craaazy. Keep in touch, because I really can’t stand the thought of losing you all now. And if you don't, I'll track you down and harass you till you do anyway, so basically you can't get rid of me. dun dun duuun...

Quote of the Day:

"Protect us through the hours of this night so that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of this life my rest in your eternal changelessness" -BCP

Monday, May 8, 2006


I’m officially done with college. Whew. I left my ultrasound final literally shaking because I was convinced that I failed. It was horrible. I didn’t have a clue what I was doing for a single question and spent the entire 4 hours copying bullshit from the textbook onto paper, just hoping for some sort of partial credit. I spent all weekend envisioning having to contact each of the like 30 people that I invited to graduation to tell them that juuust kidding, I’m not actually graduating this year after all. Oh and by the way does anyone need a roommate for summer school? But contrary to popular belief, von Ramm apparently does have a heart after all. He gave me a B, and I have never been so happy to get a B in my life.

So I’m graduating. It’s weird to think about the fact that I’m a not college student anymore. In fact, for the first time since I was 2 years old, I’m not a student at all. Crazy. Walking around campus is almost Twilight Zoneish. Everywhere I go, I can’t help but ask myself “is this the last time I’ll ever be here?” Then I get weirdly nostalgic and think of all the memories I’ve had in that place over the past 4 years. The other day I was walking past the creek in the gardens and thought of our picnic freshman year. I had this vision of Carrie falling into the water and couldn’t help but smile to myself. Then some random guy that was walking past thought I was smiling at him and said hi. Haha awkward.

Anyway, I always thought I would be practically suicidal at this point. I mean I’ve been flipping out about graduation all year, and now it’s practically here. But lately I’ve just felt numb to everything. Every day there’s more reminders that it's all ending, but for some reason it just doesn’t quite seem real to me. I suppose I’m still I’m in denial, but maybe it’s better that way. I’d rather not spend my last few days at Duke depressed about having to leave anyway.

Annnyway, the past few days have been pretty uneventful. Everyone is off at Myrtle, and my life has pretty much consisted of eating, sleeping, and rowing. My last rowing banquet was on Saturday. The parents came up for it, and it was nice to see them and have them here. Talking about next year has gotten much less awkward now that they know they won’t be able to dissuade me. Of course my dad is still cracking jokes about me turning into a do-gooder hippy and about how I’m gonna to get shot in some drive-by before the year is over, but for the most part we’re able to carry on civil conversations, and that is certainly progress.

Alright, kids. Practice is in 8 hours, and I think I’m gonna go spend some quality time with my pillow till then. Nighty night.

Friday, April 21, 2006

A to the CCs

Hellooo from Clemson. We just got back from an amazing practice on the course, and I’m currently killing time in my hotel room with Em. I'm so excited to race tomorrow! Actually, I’m just excited about life in general right now.

This past week was the week from hell. I don’t think I slept more than 3 hours a single night all week. It was like sophomore year all over again. When I got on the bus last night I was seriously on the brink of a nervous breakdown or something, but I passed out for a couple hours and was feeling infinitely better afterwards. Then as we were rolling through Charlotte, I got a call from my top choice internship saying that I’ve been ACCEPTED! Yay! I haven’t completely decided yet, but I’d say there’s a very good chance that I’ll be a resident of Los Angeles, California next year. No more freezing cold North Carolina winters for me. Woohoo. I am such a Texan. Anyway, it’s good to know that I won’t be moving into that cardboard box Mary and I have been talking about for at least another year now.

I still haven’t told my parents. I feel kind of guilty about it. I called Andie and a bunch of my friends immediately, but I have a feeling my parents might find this news more disappointing than exciting, and I don’t think I feel like dealing with that at the moment. So they can wait till Sunday.

Sooo, what else? Next week is the last week of classes. How depressing. I’ve definitely been in denial about the whole graduation thing all semester, but it’s finally starting to hit me that it really is ending and fast. Senior week was last week. I didn’t get to go to a single event because I was stuck in engineering hell all week and didn’t have time to eat or sleep, much less go out. I did get a very interesting IM from Carolyn after the pub crawl last night, though. Hehe.

It’s so weird to imagine leaving Duke forever. Duke is my whole life. I’m not even sure that I’ve managed to fully get my mind around the concept yet. Ahhh, I don’t want to think about it.

Anyway, I’m off to shower and nap for a while before we head back to the course to watch the 2V4+ and the coxswain race. I’m still debating about whether I should cox for the wee ones this afternoon. I’ve had coxswain envy for almost as long as I’ve been a rower, but I really think I would crash into something/one, and that would be bad. So we will see. Okaaay, showa time. Peace.

Quote of the day:
carolynannb513 (1:59:16 AM): cdawg where are u employed?????
Auto Response from Caro825 (1:59:17 AM): yay for being employed (sort of) and for ACCs. Bedtime.
Auto Response from carolynannb513 (1:59:17 AM): wastedddddddddd
carolynannb513 (2:06:31 AM): job?
carolynannb513 (2:06:34 AM): we jave a job?
carolynannb513 (2:06:35 AM): fujn
carolynannb513 (2:06:36 AM): !
carolynannb513 (2:06:37 AM): !
carolynannb513 (2:06:38 AM): !
carolynannb513 (2:06:39 AM): !
carolynannb513 (2:06:40 AM): '!
carolynannb513 (2:06:40 AM): !
carolynannb513 (2:06:41 AM): !
carolynannb513 (2:06:44 AM): ok done
carolynannb513 (2:06:46 AM): bye!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Let my f-ing people go

Long time, no update. I'd like to say it's because I've been super busy and productive all week, but really that would be a big fat lie. I've pretty much been just as worthless as usual, but after spending hours on application essays, I was verrry sick of writing. So, quick recap of the past week:

FRIDAY: Spent all morning attempting to finish my 141 problem set. Was thoroughly unsuccessful in that venture, but did manage to stay awake for the whole lecture after turning in the half that I did do. Drove out to Raleigh to practice on the course. The water was ridiculously crappy, but we did what we needed to. Ate a team dinner in the football building, which reminded me of graduation and made me sad. Hung out by myself all night while everyone else was at Death Cab. How depressing. Actually it was kind of nice.

SATURDAY: Race day. There were thunderstorm warnings all day, so the coaches decided to compress the race schedule. The varsity 8+ heats and finals were back to back in the morning. Didn't really matter, though; if anything it benefited us. We ended up beating all seven crews by open water and got ACC crew of the week again. Mary and Carrie came to watch, which made me happy. Saturday night I went to Doug and Will's party with Mary and Carolyn. VERY random crowd, but I had fun. Saw a bunch of random people that I hadn't even run into since Southgate plus Nat and Josh who were apparently here for the weekend. There were a few basketball players there, too. They played country music for a decent portion of the night, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I capped off the night by doing some serious drunken IMing. Still not sure who all I talked to. How embarrassing.

SUNDAY: Woke up at 11 with a massive headache. Just a word of advice- if you haven't had alcohol in almost a month, it's probably not a good idea to drink 5 beers and take 7 shots. Ya know, in case you were wondering. Went to a service project at the EC for a few hours. Why does that place make me feel so awkward? haha, well I was glad I went anyway. Lissa gave a great sermon that got me really fired up to participate in Holy Week stuff. Unfortunately, I haven't actually done it. whoops. Well, I'll go to Maundy Thursday stuff tonight if we're back in time, and I'm def going to Good Friday stuff manana. After the service, went to a senior dinner and a sorority meeting. Felt guilty again for not going to to formal and realized how little I've actually hung out with the Chi O girls this year. Was a little bummed for the rest of the night.

MONDAY AND TUESDAY: Drove myself and my roomie/ pseudo-roomies half insane over application essays. Props to MCC and Char for putting up with me. Got the applications sent off. Unfortunately, the essays are still pretty bad, but at least they are done and in. Practice kicked my butt on Monday. Tuesday we got to run instead of erg for half the practice, which made me really happy despite having to run down Campus Drive in a uni. Collapsed at 9 pm on Tuesday after sleeping 5 hours in the previous 2 nights combined. I am officially way too old for that stuff.

WEDNESDAY: was pretty unproductive. Ran errands and cleaned all morning, then met with Tina. I hate that I'm so behind on my own project. I know my group is ready to kill me at this point, but I don't really know what I can do about it. Practice kicked my ass again. Robyn threatened beforehand to switch some people between boats, and though she never actually did it, I have a feeling my days in the varsity 8+ are numbered. Oh well, all I can do at this point is keep pulling my ass off and hope for the best.

TODAY: Typical Thursday. Class, weights, class, lab, and now practice. Had to leave lab early again to put in a rush transcript order before 3. Did you know that the registrar moved from Allen to Broad Street? How annoying. Felt bad about leaving my group, but once again, nothing I could do. Anyway, I'm excited for tonight. I'm still debating about whether to go to Big Beers, screw your sis, or something else. At the moment, it's looking like big beers is going to win, but it all depends on who I can convince to go with me to what. It should be a good night regardless.

okaaay, now that we're all caught up, off to practice.

Quote of the Day:
Aquachic5 (8:07:04 PM): poop on Clemens head

Sunday, February 19, 2006

0 what? '06!

Can I just say that I love Duke and all my friends here like crazy and I DO NOT want to graduate. ever. This weekend was so much fun. Saturday night was the senior party in KVille. I was definitely reluctant to go out there at all, firstly because I wasn't sure about going to the game and didn't want to waste the effort of getting a wristband for nothing, and secondly because it was freezing last night, and I'm a total wimp about that sort of thing. But as soon as I got there I knew it would be fun, and I wasn't let down all night. I got to KVille literally right as the Coach K talk was getting out, and Carrie came out and practically tackled me as I was walking past Cameron. We all went to the senior party where I got my free pizza and beer and saw Stine who was visiting this weekend. She's doing well, but it seems like med school is pretty rough. I'm really glad I dropped the whole premed thing; I definitely did not want it bad enough for all of that. She's crazy as ever though, and it was a blast to get to see her again.

I hung out there with the rowing girls for about an hour, then headed over to Dillo to have some margaritas with the Chi O girls, Carrie, and Carolyn's older brother Nick. The band there was really loud and not that great, but we had fun. We headed out to get our wristbands at around 12:30. What a mess. You would think that Duke juniors and seniors would be capable of organizing some reasonable way to distribute wristbands in a semi-orderly fashion, but apparently that's just not the case. The line was more like a mob of people practically tackling the line monitors and each other and get their bands. More than once, some kids stole a whole sheet of wristbands out the monitors' hands and ran off to give them to their friends. It was chaos. Luckily there were more than enough bands for everyone, though, and we were out of there with our bands after about 15 minutes.

From there we regrouped at MCC's and headed over to the Joyce where the rowing kids were. I always love it when I can hang out with them and the MCC crowd at the same time. It was a lot of fun despite that fact that Wiggs and I kept getting hit on by some sketchy old British guy who wouldn't leave us alone. We headed back to MCC's at around 2:30 and played flip cup till around 4. We played North v. South on my suggestion, which resulted in teams of me, Carrie, and Josh vs. Carolyn, Nick, and Kim. Our team got off to an inauspicious start as the North took the first 4 games, but in the end the South prevailed, winning the next 6 in a row. woo.

The game today was AWESOME. Once again I got to hang out with both the Chi O girls and the rowing kids the whole time. I was pretty bummed that I had to skip church and miss seeing Andie celebrate for the first time (nerd! I such a church nerd!), but in the end, I was really glad that I went to the game. When JJ broke Johnny Dawkin's all-time scoring record, Cameron just erupted. I've never heard it that loud, and when you're talking about Cameron, that is saying something. We screamed for about 5 minutes straight. It was a little sad knowing that that would be my last game in the stands as a Duke student, my last chance sing the fight song (the non-crew version anyway) and do the lobster dance, and my last opportunity to chant "Our House" with all the pride of a Cameron Crazy. All in all, though, it was the perfect game to end it on.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Decisions, Decisions...

Why am I incapable of making a decision about anything? Right now I'm debating about 2 things, both involving basketball, with no prospect of coming to a resolution on either one anytime soon. First, and more immediately, I can't decide if I want to wait in line to get a wristband for the senior game tonight. I know I should, number one because I'm a senior and it's senior night, and number two, because literally ALL of my friends will be out there tonight, and I'll be pretty bored if I don't. Plus, there's free pizza and beer. It's really freaking cold out there, though, and I'm not really even sure I want to go to the game. I mean I love going to games, and this is one of my last chances to see a game in Cameron (from the student section, anyway), but I have other stuff I could be doing tomorrow at that time.

Then I still can't decide if I want to go home for the weekend of the Carolina game. I still haven't been to the UNC game, and I know that's something I really should do before I graduate. Plus my birthday is that Tuesday, and I think I'd probably have a little more fun partying here with my friends than at home with the 'rents. Just a guess. This is, however, my absolute last chance to go home before May. I think I might need some warm weather and a Tex-Mex fix to sustain me until then. Plus I haaaave to get my internship and job applications done at some point, and I have a feeling that that's just not going to happen here. Not having the option to wander over to MCC's and whine about them instead of actually doing them would be key. Aaahh, what to do, what to do...

About job stuff, I'm still not 100% decided on all that either. I really feel like the route I'm taking at the moment is a good one, okay a great one. It's something that fills all my needs, feels right, and really could be a life-changing experience. I'm just so nervous. I really wonder if I'm getting myself in over my head. But I did finally get some balls and told my mother about my plans. It went surprisingly well. She was much more, well maybe not understanding, but definitely more accepting than I would have expected. She actually seemed more interested than skeptical when she asked for details, and now she'll do the dirty work of relaying all this information to my dad. I'm still not sure how well TJ is going to take all this, but thankfully now I won't have to be around for the initial reaction. At this point I'm mainly just nervous that I'm not capable or ready for something like this. But sometimes you just have to go for it, right.

So other than all that indecisiveness, there's really not too much interesting stuff going on right now. I think my BME project group is mad at me. Malkin hated our presentation Thursday, so we have to redo our design. I can see where he's coming from; we essentially just copied someone else's design and changed the packaging. I'm just annoyed that I spent 5 hours in Teer putting the world's largest circuit into the schematic editor for nothing. Zach sent out an email asking if we could meet today, but Ed had lacrosse and suggested Sunday instead. Well apparently that was far too late for Lori who wanted to spend all weekend on it. Over-eager engineers kill me. She sent out an email asking if we could meet last night instead, and after I responded saying that I absolutely couldn't because I had an exam, practice, and a concert I'd had tickets for for 3 months, she sent out an email saying that the rest of the group could meet without me if it wasn't my top priority. gah. chill the fuck out.

Keith Urban was worth it though. I went with a crowd of lovely senior rowing ladies, namely Tonia, Leah, and Emma Wallace. I felt like such a midget standing between Tonia and Emma, which at 5'11, doesn't happen to me often. We had a really good time, though. Keith is hot. I'm such sucker for accents. Maybe I'll move to Australia.

Practice this morning was miserable. I think there must be some sort of rule saying that we can't have a double practice unless it's freezing cold and raining. Actually today it didn't rain so much as snow. It was disgusting. And people wonder why I want to go back to Texas... I came home and hid indoors till we had to go pick Charla's brother up from the airport. He actually seems pretty cool. I don't know why, but I kind of expected him to be really nerdy. He's totally not though. Hopefully I'll get to hang out with him some this weekend, but as Char is never here even when she doesn't have someone to show around, it seems unlikely.
Okay, enough sitting in front of the computer. People keep calling me, and I think I've finally caved and decided to head out to kville with everyone else. Now if I could just decide who to wait in line with...
Quote of the day:

“Too many times we stand aside, and let water slip away
Till what we’ve put off till tomorrow, has now become today
So don’t you sit upon the shoreline, and say you’re satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids, and dare to dance the tide” –Garth Brooks “The River”